Pasona Taiwan Co., Ltd.

Training on Japanese business manners to local staff
Pasona Taiwan “Business Manner Demonstration Course”

TOKYO, July 22, 2013 - Pasona Taiwan Co., Ltd. will hold a “Business Manner Demonstration Course” targeting local staffs working at Japanese companies on Thursday, July 25th in Taipei. The course will cover business manners and communication skills particular to Japanese companies.

As Japanese companies expand their global business, operations are being localized and the percentage of local staffs is rising. Thus, there is a growing need for local staffs to acquire Japanese style communication skills and business culture such as telephone conversations and attending guests.

At the “Business Manner Demonstration Course”, Pasona Taiwan along with CAPLAN Corporation, with its’ experience in providing training for over 6,000 companies, will conduct a class covering “Mentality of a professional”, “Basic attitudes toward work”, “How to be efficient”, “One point advice on business telephones” and “Welcoming guests and manners upon visiting clients” from a Japanese business culture point of view.

Outline “Business Manner Demonstration Course”

Date and Time Thursday, July 25th 10am - 5pm
Eligibility Mainly local staffs working at Japanese companies in Taiwan
Venue Section 2, Dūnhuà South Rd, Daan District Taipei City (B2 level)
E Orientation (Mentality of a professional, etc.)
E Work ethics as a professional (From going to work to leaving the office, etc.)
E How to be efficient (Receiving assignments and reporting, etc.)
E One point advice on business telephones
(Calling and receiving phone calls, etc.)
E Welcoming guests and manners upon visiting clients (Common phrases, etc.)
¦ Classes will be conducted in Japanese
¦ ”J-Presence Academy” is a division of Caplan specializing in training and education. It was founded in 1984 and has utilized its’ experience in training in the airline industry and has conducted training for over 6000 companies.
Participants 20 people expected (6,000 yuan per person/includes textbooks)
Contacts Pasona Taiwan
TEL 02-2703-5577 (Japanese line)


Pasona Group Inc.
TEL 03-6734-0215
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