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 「からだゾーン」では「未来の医療」をテーマに「空飛ぶ手術室」を展示。 最先端技術を活かした「手術用ガイドワイヤー操作体験」や、遠隔治療を可能にする「未来のカテーテル手術体験」できます。  In the “Body Zone,” a “flying operating room” is exhibited under the theme of “future medicine.  Visitors can “experience operating a surgical guidewire” using state-of-the-art technology and “catheter surgery of the future,” which enables remote treatment.



In the “Body Zone,” a “flying operating room” is exhibited under the theme of “future medicine.
Visitors can “experience operating a surgical guidewire” using state-of-the-art technology and “catheter surgery of the future,” which enables remote treatment.

 夜になると巻貝棟がライトアップされ、らせん状にいのちの光が輝きます。  At night, the pavilion's shell building is lit up and the light of life shines in a spiral pattern.



At night, the pavilion's shell building is lit up and the light of life shines in a spiral pattern.

 「からだゾーン」では、未来の眠りを体験できるベッドを展示します! 最新の科学に基づき、「からだの健康」に直結する未来の眠りのあり方と、それを支えるテクノロジーをあらゆる世代の方々に分かりやすくお届けします。 #EXPO2025 #大阪関西万博  #PASONA #NATUREVERSE  In the “Body Zone,” beds that allow visitors to experience the "Future of  Sleep" will be exhibited! Based on the latest in sleep science, the exhibit is being planned to provide visitors of all ages with accessible information about the future of sleep and physical health, and the latest technologies which support it.


#EXPO2025 #大阪関西万博

In the “Body Zone,” beds that allow visitors to experience the "Future of Sleep" will be exhibited!
Based on the latest in sleep science, the exhibit is being planned to provide visitors of all ages with accessible information about the future of sleep and physical health, and the latest technologies which support it.

 らせん状のアンモナイトと巻き貝を模したパビリオンの外観がついに完成! 巻き貝棟の内部では、「生命進化の樹」が展示されます。 #EXPO2025 #大阪関西万博  #PASONA #NATUREVERSE  The exterior of the pavilion, which resembles a spiral ammonite and a coiled shell, is finally complete! Inside the shell building, the “Tree of Life Evolution” will be on display!


らせん状のアンモナイトと巻き貝を模したパビリオンの外観がついに完成! 巻き貝棟の内部では、「生命進化の樹」が展示されます。
#EXPO2025 #大阪関西万博

The exterior of the pavilion, which resembles a spiral ammonite and a coiled shell, is finally complete! Inside the shell building, the “Tree of Life Evolution” will be on display!

 PASONA NATUREVERSEのメディア内覧会を実施。巻貝棟の先端に全長2mの鉄腕アトムが登場しました!指さす先は淡路島! #EXPO2025 #大阪関西万博  #PASONA #NATUREVERSE  PASONA NATUREVERSE was previewed for the press. Astro Boy appeared at the tip of the conch shell building!He points to Awaji Island.


PASONA NATUREVERSEのメディア内覧会を実施。巻貝棟の先端に全長2mの鉄腕アトムが登場しました!指さす先は淡路島!
#EXPO2025 #大阪関西万博

PASONA NATUREVERSE was previewed for the press. Astro Boy appeared at the tip of the conch shell building!He points to Awaji Island.

 大阪・関西万博開幕まで200日を切り、パビリオン外観が完成。内部は、天井高 16メートルの真っ白な空間が広がっています。これから内装や展示を行っていきます #EXPO2025 #大阪関西万博  #PASONA #NATUREVERSE  Less than 200 days before the opening of the Osaka-Kansai Expo, the exterior of the pavilion has been completed. The interior is a pure white space with a ceiling height of 16 meters. The interior and exhibits will now be installed.


大阪・関西万博開幕まで200日を切り、パビリオン外観が完成。内部は、天井高 16メートルの真っ白な空間が広がっています。これから内装や展示を行っていきます
#EXPO2025 #大阪関西万博

Less than 200 days before the opening of the Osaka-Kansai Expo, the exterior of the pavilion has been completed. The interior is a pure white space with a ceiling height of 16 meters. The interior and exhibits will now be installed.

 『VIPアテンダントオートクチュールドレス』を発表!97歳現役ファッションデザイナー 藤本ハルミ氏が日本の伝統技術を活かし、計10着を制作 #EXPO2025 #大阪関西万博  #PASONA #NATUREVERSE  Presentation of  "VIP Attendant Haute Couture Dresses" Fashion designer Harumi Fujimoto, 97, uses traditional Japanese design techniques


『VIPアテンダントオートクチュールドレス』を発表!97歳現役ファッションデザイナー 藤本ハルミ氏が日本の伝統技術を活かし、計10着を制作
#EXPO2025 #大阪関西万博

Presentation of "VIP Attendant Haute Couture Dresses"
Fashion designer Harumi Fujimoto, 97, uses traditional Japanese design techniques

 巻貝棟の建設が進み、骨組みが完成しました。来場者は巻貝棟からパビリオンに入り、螺旋状の導線を通って各展示スペースへと進みます。 #EXPO2025 #大阪関西万博  #PASONA #NATUREVERSE  Construction of the Makigai Building has progressed and the framework is now complete. Visitors will enter the pavilion from the conchshell Building, and will be guided through a spiral conduit to view each of the exhibition spaces.


#EXPO2025 #大阪関西万博

Construction of the Makigai Building has progressed and the framework is now complete. Visitors will enter the pavilion from the conchshell Building, and will be guided through a spiral conduit to view each of the exhibition spaces.

 アンモナイト棟の隣では巻貝棟の建設がスタートしました。本物の巻貝やアンモナイトの化石を3Dスキャンしてデザインをしています。 #EXPO2025 #大阪関西万博  #PASONA #NATUREVERSE  Next to the ammonite building, the construction of the scroll shell building has started. The design is based on 3D scans of real shells and ammonite fossils.


#EXPO2025 #大阪関西万博

Next to the ammonite building, the construction of the scroll shell building has started. The design is based on 3D scans of real shells and ammonite fossils.

 アンモナイト棟の膜の取り付けが完了。渦巻きが綺麗な螺旋を描いており、そのまま展示の導線となります。 #EXPO2025 #大阪関西万博  #PASONA #NATUREVERSE  The installation of the membrane in the ammonite building is complete. The whirlpools form a beautiful spiral, which will lead directly to the exhibit.


#EXPO2025 #大阪関西万博

The installation of the membrane in the ammonite building is complete. The whirlpools form a beautiful spiral, which will lead directly to the exhibit.

 パビリオン全体の骨組みに命をイメージした薄ピンクの外膜を覆っていきます。 #EXPO2025 #大阪関西万博  #PASONA #NATUREVERSE  The framework of the pavilion will be covered with a light pink outer membrane that is reminiscent of life.


#EXPO2025 #大阪関西万博

The framework of the pavilion will be covered with a light pink outer membrane that is reminiscent of life.

 アンモナイト棟の骨組みの組み立てが完了し、心臓(いのち)の螺旋が現れました。 #EXPO2025 #大阪関西万博  #PASONA #NATUREVERSE  The assembly of the framework of the ammonite building has been completed and the spiral of the heart has appeared.


#EXPO2025 #大阪関西万博

The assembly of the framework of the ammonite building has been completed and the spiral of the heart has appeared.

 スタッフが着用するインカムや、来場者用のイヤホンに、軟骨伝導を活用した聴覚技術の導入を発表。多言語翻訳機付きのイヤホンは、外国籍のお客様に感動をお届けします。 #EXPO2025 #大阪関西万博  #PASONA #NATUREVERSE  The press conference was held to announce the introduction of hearing technology utilizing cartilage conduction in intercoms worn by staff and earphones for visitors. The earphones with multilingual translators will provide an inspiring experience for foreign visitors.


#EXPO2025 #大阪関西万博

The press conference was held to announce the introduction of hearing technology utilizing cartilage conduction in intercoms worn by staff and earphones for visitors. The earphones with multilingual translators will provide an inspiring experience for foreign visitors.

 パビリオンの骨組みとなるトラス架構(部材で三角形を構成し、その集合体によって建築物を作る構造)は、作業員の方が手作業で一つずつ組み立てていきます。 #EXPO2025 #大阪関西万博  #PASONA #NATUREVERSE  The pavilion's framework, a truss structure (a triangular structure made up of members that together form a building), is assembled one by one by hand by the workers.


#EXPO2025 #大阪関西万博

The pavilion's framework, a truss structure (a triangular structure made up of members that together form a building), is assembled one by one by hand by the workers.

 万博開幕まであと1年‼「くるぞ。万博。」をスローガンに「ミャクミャクとワクワク」イベントを開催しました。 #EXPO2025 #大阪関西万博  #PASONA #NATUREVERSE  "The Expo is coming. One year to go until the opening of the ministry”  ‘Exciting with MYAKU-MYAKU’ event was held to commemorate the one year anniversary of the opening of the ministry.


#EXPO2025 #大阪関西万博

"The Expo is coming. One year to go until the opening of the ministry”  ‘Exciting with MYAKU-MYAKU’ event was held to commemorate the one year anniversary of the opening of the ministry.