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Taking on the Challenge of Creating New Jobs as Part of Regional Revitalization

The Pasona Group is taking on the challenge of new job creation by attracting human resources to rural areas. The aim is to revitalize regional industry by bringing together people with diverse talents. By cooperating with local governments and businesses, the Pasona Group is working on regional revitalization to facilitate the sustainable development of rural communities across Japan, based on the themes of relocation to provincial areas, employment support, Japanese culture, history, food, and health.

Employment creation in the agricultural field

With the aim of creating jobs in agriculture, Pasona has been promoting the development of new farmers and managers across Japan since 2003. Pasona Challenge Farm was launched in 2008, as an agriculture venture support system. It provides a place for people to take on the challenge of becoming self-sufficient in farming. Participants hone their farm management skills with the aim of becoming independent farmers in the future. The farm practices agricultural business diversification by expanding its activities from production into processing, sales, and tourism.

Pasona Challenge Farm


Support to foster new farmers


Agriventure Academy


Urban Farm(2010-2017)


This entire office, built under the concepts of “Agriculture,”,Health”,and “Eco-friendly”, serves as an Urban Farm and realizes symbiosis with nature and recycling ofresources.
We present urban farming as a newpossibility.

Pasona O2(2005-2009)
